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Getting a Corrected or Missing Award Certifcate from the
Martin Luther King, Jr. Youth Program &
Rudolph G. Gordon College Fair

If you are a student who received award and you didn't received a certificate or have a correction on a recevied certificate, you can now submit that correction on-line. We will deliver that corrected/missing certificates to your High School in Greenville County, SC (Sorry, no personal addresses).

All corrections / requests must be send by April 1st
Thank you again for responding to us.

Required Information:

Name | Email

School | Contact Phone

Required Information:
The rest of the information is required in order to submitt this feedback form. This feedback will be consider when making improvements to future MLK Youth Programs or College Fairs.

Please indicate what kind of participant you were? (Required)
Choose one

| | | |

Were you contacted in a timely manner? | |
Did your High School Guidance Office contact you? | |
This a new certificate (I never received one) | |


Please enter your Name (as you want it to appear on the certificate):

Please enter your School (as you want it to appear on the certificate):

Please enter your Catagory (either Academics, Art, Althetics, Music, or Leadership):

Other type of correction (Please explain fully):