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Furman University and GGL announce
2021 Martin Luther King Events

Greenville, South Carolina - Gamma Gamma Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and Furman University have released their annual Events for January & February 2021 celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Legecy in the Greevnille Area. Furman University and GGL have collaborated our MLK Events for Greenville and the Upstate for the last seven years.

Sponsorship opportunities are available until January 5, 2021. You can download our 2021 MLK Sponsorship packet which include Ad Pricing and Sponsorship packages. All proceeds from the Scholarship Gala support the Luke H. Chatman Scholarship for Local high Students.

Our primary events are the MLK Scholarship Celebration on January 9th and the MLK Youth Program & Ruloph Gordon College Fair on February 6th. Please support us as we honor Dr. King's Legacy and recognize our local Leaders and Students.

If you have any questions or comments, please us at contact@alphagreenville.org or at our Chapter phone line at (864) 441-9067.



Here is a list of major events for this year's celebration:

January 2021 February 2021

Saturday, January 9th, 12 PM

2021 Martin Luther King, Jr.
Scholarship Celebration

Sponsored by the Alpha Phi Alpha Greenville Foundation

virtual Event via Zoom - mlkgala2021.eventbite.com
V-Ticket: $40 per connection

Contact: Allen Cook
contact@alphagreenville.org or (864) 441-9067

Friday, January 15th, 9 AM

MLK Community Virtual Breakfast with 

Jonathan Kubakundimana '16
Program Manager of the Equal Justice Initiative

Virtual Event | Center for Inclusive Communities
Contact: Chandra Dilliard-
chandra.dillard@furman.edu or (864) 294-2900


Wednesday, January 18th     

MLK Holiday Day of Reflection and Purpose
Center for Inclusive Communities

Contact: Deborah Allen
deborah.allen@furman.edu or (864) 294-2900

Wednesday, January 20th

The COVID-19 Pandemic and it impacts
on Communities of Color in the Upstate

Virtual Event
Sponsor: Center for Inclusive Communities

Contact: Deborah Allen
deborah.allen@furman.edu or (864) 294-2900

Monday, January 29th, 1 PM

Joseph Vaughn Day | Joseph Vaughn Statue Dedication

Heller Service Corps, Student Diversity Council,
and Student Activities Council

Contact: Chandra Dilliard-
chandra.dillard@furman.edu or (864) 294-2900


Saturday, February 6th, 10 AM

"Goto High School, Goto College"
Martin Luther King, Jr. Youth Program and
Dr. Ruloph Gordon College Fair

Virtual event via Zoom

Contact: Bobby Clark
contact@alphagreenville.org or (864) 441-9067

Saturday, February 27th, 10 AM

Joseph Vaughn Oratorical Contest
for Greenville Country High School Students

Tabernacle Baptist Church, Choir Practice Stage

Contact: Mike Chatham,
or (864)906.7078


All events are free with the exception of the Scholarship Gala.
For more information, all 864.294.2503 or email chandra.dillard@furman.edu or

Go to Furman’s MLK website at www.furman.edu/mlk
or Alpha Phi Alpha Greenville at www.alphagreenville.org

